Charities In The Age Of Social Media: Movember 2018
Charities have traditionally used direct email campaigns, flyers, fundraising events and other offline ways to gain donations for their various causes. In recent years however, with the explosion in social media and particularly mobile payment systems, it’s clear that there is more opportunity to engage people with charity initiatives online. Everything from natural disaster relief campaigns to Facebook birthday fundraisers have now become a normal part of the way people do their bit to help those in need.
One particular charity campaign that has grown significantly through social media is the “Movember” campaign. At this stage, we all know someone who has gotten involved in the campaign and has helped raise some much needed funds. After carrying out some vital research, I’ve decided to get involved to raise money for the work they do. To find out more about the campaign and the way it uses social media to drive its success, I got in touch with Jack O’ Connor from Movember Ireland;
What is “Movember” and how has social media led to its success?
Movember was started in Melbourne (2003) by 4 mates who were inspired by the breast cancer movement, and their collective fondness for moustaches, to raise awareness and stop men dying too young. When Facebook hit the internet in 2007, it connected the world in a way that was unprecedented.
I have no doubt that the dawn on this age of social media has played a significant part in the rapid growth of the Movember campaign and in 15 years we have grown over 5,000,000 moustaches, in over 23 countries around the world and invested in over 1,200 men’s health initiatives.
What important causes does it support?
Movember is the world’s leading charity dedicated to men’s health. We want men to live happier, healthier and longer lives and we do this by highlighting the three most critical points of men’s health today; prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health & suicide prevention
How can people get involved both now and in the future?
Go to and sign up for the campaign - you can grow a Mo, take on the Move challenge or Host an event. I would recommend getting some friends or colleagues together and starting a “Mo team”. It’s more fun with more Mo’s and you can take the mickey out of whoever has the worst tache!
Image Via: Movember Foundation USA
How do you feel social media will change the way charities operate in the future?
I think ultimately it will help, social media is already a powerful tool for NGO’s to communicate with their fundraisers & donors about the work they do and I think that this will only increase as time goes on. We will probably see an increase in one off temporary viral campaigns like the “Ice Bucket Challenge” too.
A big one is Facebooks fundraising platform, this has made it easier than ever before for people to fundraise for causes that are important to them and makes asking for donations very straightforward. I always encourage our MoBros & MoSistas to add a Facebook fundraiser to their MoSpace.
Image Via: Movember US
So as I set out on my own “Mo journey”, I’m filled with excitement and apprehension. I know for a fact that I won’t end up looking anything like the men above but I am excited to see just how bad my tache turns out!
I’m hoping I can raise as much money as possible over the month too so if you would like to support my efforts, you can do so on my “Mospace account”. I imagine it will all start to look something like this when December rolls around!
Image Via: Larry Busacca / Getty Images
Follow me on Instagram for daily story updates on my muzzy and keep an eye on the Movember Ireland website to find out about the other ways you can support the cause.